Health disparities in Cabell & Kanawha Counties

PlusInc and the Appalachian Learning Initiative (APPLI) are working to address health disparities in Cabell and Kanawha Counties in West Virigia. Like many communities in West Virginia, both Cabell and Kanawha Counties have many health conditions afflicting its residents. Our collaborative effort pays particular interest to numerous health disparities, among them Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Mental Health Services, Substance Use Disorder and HIV/AIDSs. APPLI is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that focuses on conducting research regarding, reporting on, advocating for, and building technological solutions to address issues related to adult literacy, adult numeracy, health literacy, and access to public services in the 13-state, 423-county Appalachian Region.

-> Learn more about health disparities in Cabell County

-> Learn more about health disparities in Kanawha County

Due to the incidence rate being so low for some of these health conditions in Cabell and Kanawha Counties, county data are not broken down into demographic categories in order to protect the identities of patients. Nonetheless, it does provide a glimpse into what is happening in the Central Appalachia part of the Southern Valley, West Virginia. To achieve greater health equity, our healthcare infrastructure needs to identify the health disparities that exist in the United States, and how they can vary from one health condition or another.


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